News & Events

Student Development Program on Internet Of Things

Department of CSE is organizing an SDP program on 18,19 April 2017.

Resource Person : Mr.Vinayak and Mr.Deepak, Preva Systems Ltd, Bengaluru.

Date : 18th & 19th April, 2017

Venue : CSE Seminar Hall

Last Date for Registration: 10th April, 2017

Target : To develop projects on IoT based technologies by providing an opportunity to improve their project developing skills.

Number of Audience : 100 Students, IoT Faculty Co-Ordinators and Student Co-Ordinators

Outcome of Event :

100 participants are benefited and enhanced their knowledge on IoT. FDP was informative
to participants and they got brief idea about IoT and its application. The hands on sessions were satisfactory for participants

Topics covered :

  • Introduction to IoT technology, its applications and opportunities
  • Short range communication technologies like WiFi, zigbee etc
  • Connectivity challenges in IoT solution.
  • Working of sensors, device management and working of RFID and applications
  • Introduction to Aurdino platform and board architecture
  • Hands on experiments using Arduino (like LED blinking, control etc..)
  • Hands on session continued and working with LDR sensor and simple attendance count and street light controller ultrasonic and IR sensor
  • Introduction to WISE platform and ESP8266 board
  • Simple weather monitoring using DHT11 sensor and integrated with WISE platform by creating cloud login.
  • Controlling LED remotely using ESP
  • Demonstration of some solutions developed by Preva Systems(Like Weather Monitoring, Industrial Monitoring ,Agricultural monitoring systems etc..)

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