Governing Council  

Governing Council

RRCE is guided by highly respected and qualified leaders with a new, progressive vision for engineering advancement and future of our country. It is their marvellous leadership and incomparable vision that takes us to places and keeps us there. Here is the list of those visionaries who gave a new perspective for engineering studies.

Sl.No Name Qualification Designation


Sri. A. C. Shanmugam

Founder Chairman & Managing Trustee,

RajaRajeswari Group of Institutions, Bangalore.

B.A, L.L.B



Sri. A.C.S. Arun Kumar

Vice Chairman , RRGI, Bangalore

B.Tech, MBA

Advisor & Member


Padmashree Prof. R.M. Vasagam

Former Vice Chancellor, Anna University & Former Scientist, ISRO, Bangalore.

M E., PhD



Prof. Dr.Venkatachalappa M

Former Prof. & Head, Dept of Maths, Central Collge, Bangalore.


Advisor & Member


Sri C N Seetharam, IAS, Retd.

Secretary to Govt, Revenue Dept.

Govt. of Karnataka, Bangalore.




AICTE Nominee


Dr. H R Prabhakar, Executive Council Member, VTU & Prof. Dept. of Civil Engg., UBDT College of Engg., Davanagere. (VTU Nominee)




Dr. Ravichandran N

DTE Representative & Member

Secretariat, Vidhan Souda, Bengaluru,

Karnataka – 560001




Dr. S Vijayanand

Professor Dept of CSE

RajaRajeswari College of Engineering,

#14, Ramohalli Cross, Kumbalgodu, Mysore Road, Bengaluru – 560074




Prof. Dr. S. Usha

Prof & HoD, Dept of CSE

RajaRajeswari College of Engineering,

#14, Ramohalli Cross, Kumbalgodu, Mysore Road, Bengaluru – 560074




Dr. R Balakrishna, Principal

RajaRajeswari College of Engineering,

#14, Ramohalli Cross, Kumbalgodu, Mysore Road, Bengaluru – 560074



Member Secretary

Governing Council Functions

  • To monitor the academic and other related activities of the college
  • To consider and execute the recommendations of the Staff Selection Committee
  • To consider the important communications, policy decisions received from the University, Government, AICTE/ PCI, etc.
  • To monitor the students and faculty development programmes
  • To implement the recommendations of the Governing council
  • To pass the annual budget of the college.
  • To approve the income and expenditure of the college annually.
  • General supervision and control of the affairs of the college
  • To maintain its own record of its proceedings
  • The Governing Council shall hold, control and administer the property and funds of the College as well as other funds placed at the disposal of the College for any specific object.
  • The Governing Council can enter into, vary, carry out, confirm and cancel contracts on behalf of the College.
  • To consider the Annual Report, the Annual Accounts and the Financial Estimates.
  • To fix admission, tuition and other fees to be charged from students reading and/or residing in the College (subject to any limitations laid down by the University).
  • To appoint Principals and other members of teaching and non-teaching staff excluding Class-IV employees of the College in accordance with the procedure laid down.
  • To grant on the recommendation of the Principal, Study Leave and Leave without pay to the teaching staff of the College subject to the Rules and Regulations of the Institution
  • To institute, suspend or abolish such teaching and non-teaching posts, as may be considered necessary.
  • To open an account or accounts in the name of the College with such scheduled bank or banks as the Governing Body may think fit and to keep the funds of the College deposited with such banks.
  • To make rules and to alter, amend or repeal the same, provided, all such alterations and amendments and repeals receive the approval
  • To delegate, at its discretion, any of its power as may be necessary from time to time to the Principal.
  • To exercise such other powers and to do such other acts or things as may be necessary or expedient for the proper performance of its duties.