Alumni Association of RRCE
“Samanvaya”: The name of RRCE alumni meet “Samanvaya” is been derived from the Sanskrit Word “Samanvaya” which means ‘to join’. Samanvaya can be broken down into two words – sam+anvaya. Sam means ‘to join together’ and anvayah means ‘to put things in an order.
The objectives of RRCE Alumni Association are:
• To promote and foster mutually beneficial interaction between the Alumni and the present
• students of the RRCE and between the Alumni themselves.
• To encourage the formation of Chapters as a means to increase participation of Alumni.
• To encourage the Alumni to take an active and abiding interest in the work and progress of the
• Institute so as to contribute towards enhancement of the social utility of their Alma Mater.
• To undertake to organize activities of a civic or charitable nature as also to increase public
• awareness of the role of technology in value addition in the economic and social development of the nation
• To involve the members in the overall development of the college and the Society.
Registration details of RRCE-Alumni Association:
RRCE-Alumni Association is officially registered under Karnataka Societies Registration Act 1960 on July 8th 2013.
Samanvaya Election Notice 2024
Election Notification 2024
Alumni Office Bearers
Alumni Database 2016-2021
Alumni faculty coordinators