Digital Education in Engineering

Speaking at the PALS Summit, the secretary for higher education in India, Mr Sunil Palliwal harped upon the need of including digital education as an integral part of the engineering course. Giving examples of around 25000 students who simply did not apply for the engineering course in the previous year because they did not know how to apply online he said that the reason was only because of their inability to know computers.

In today’s times when the world is mobile already and any and everything is digitised and accessible online, not knowing computers is not apparently done. As per the secretary, if you are a techie, you need to be aware of the latest in technology or else what is the use of being an engineer, you rather not be.
Makes sense really because when you are to study engineering which is all about new technology and innovation and you yourself are not aware of the latest developments and use of tech gadgets then it does imply that you either learn it or don’t opt for it.

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Hence, the secretary has harped for inclusion of digital education or online course at least in one of the early semesters in engineering. Without digital education, the engineering course makes less sense. Just imagine a tech graduate without knowledge of internet and computers, so unprofessional!
The secretary also harped upon the fact of faculties updating themselves with the newest in technology and retraining if the need be so that they can equip their students with the latest in the digital world and make them industry and world ready.

Though many of the colleges were up for keeping the application process online and offline as well, the secretary urged the institutes to go digital because it was the need of the hour. We are today living in the tesla age and not in the dark ages is what he probably meant. At a time when company’s across the world are preparing to set up colonies on the mars or develop ships that can take you anywhere in the world in just an hour, if students are not able to fill up the engineering forms online, then it is a matter of grave concern for us is what we can take home or interpret for ourselves from what he said.

The state government is already planning to take steps in the direction so that every engineering student in India is well equipped with the necessary digital knowledge.