Cyber attacks in India

A Finnish cyber security company has said that there have been over 4.3 lac cyber-attacks in India from foreign lands like Russia, Netherlands, Germany, US and China. The attacks are 12 times the number of attacks that were of Indian origin and targeted to other countries. The leading country to attack India was Russia (255,589) followed by China (42, 544), Netherlands (19, 169) and lastly Germany (103, 458). On the flipside, India targeted countries like UK, Japan, Austria and Ukraine with around 36, 563 attacks.

Leszek Tasiemski, Vice president of Cyber Security products R & D at F-Security products R& D at            F-Secure said in a statement. To track the cyber-attacks, F-Secure had deployed 41 honeypots across the globe. These honeypots are known to be very advanced.  They have the ability to even deceive elite hackers as they seem to be serving a specific purpose or organization. They resemble actual servers with vulnerabilities and weaknesses. They enable F-secure for taking the latest malware samples as well as shell scripts and new hacking techniques.

The researched data is further processed for the benefit of F-secure customers with the help of threat intelligence reports and product enhancements. This method is a successful one when it comes to acquiring critical information on attack types, sources, volumes, popular targets besides TTPS (Tactics, Techniques, and procedures).

The collection process of such in-depth details includes giving deliberate access to the potential hackers in order to understand and examine their line of attack. Tasiemski also added that the reason behind the comparatively high number of inbound attacks on Indian Honeypots only shows that the country is digitizing at a fast pace and hence is becoming a lucrative region for the cybercriminals from across the globe. They were into gathering as well as analyzing the pertinent data in order to ensure that their customers are free from any sort of cyber threats in the ever-increasing cyber landscape.

It is time to get stringent about the cyber laws in India because there are proven statistics around the cyber threat hovering on the country. With concerns regarding personal and critical database and news of Adhaar card information being hacked or leaked, it seems that the government needs to devise and implement effective policies and laws around it.

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