
Well, it’s half-way through 2019 already and when talking about the trending stuff around technology, cyber risk is one definite inclusion for sure. While a progressive change is definitely going to happen in the technology domain, it is going to bring along a challenge of skills scarcity for sure. Engineers will again have to be equipped to adapt to these changes and will definitely need to upgrade themselves. Here’s a run-down the top five trends you need to watch in the year 2019 -20.

4th Industrial Revolution – While many feel that the industrial revolution is going to eat away a lot of jobs, the fact of the matter is that it is also going to open a lot of opportunities for engineers with new skills. Yes, there is definitely going to be a turnaround of sorts when it comes to change in the speed and scale, something that’s never been seen before. Hence, getting ready for the same is important.

Internet of Things – This concept has been around in the IT ecosystem for over a decade but now is the time it has ripened. Earlier connecting everything to internet wasn’t possible due to network unpreparedness but with 5G connectivity, the technology is definitely going to speed up at a high rate. Internet of everything as it is commonly referred to as requires sensors for speedy communication and hence engineers need to keep a close eye on the manufacturing application security like sensors that are used to monitor the assembly line status constantly.

5G – It’s the time of the 5G connectivity, one that is going to power everything around engineering including illuminating smart cities, manufacturing assembly lines as well as machine to machine connectivity, 5G is definitely going to change everything around the way we live, work as well as interact be it locations, people or even machines.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
Robotic Process automation, also known as RPA is about using software for automation of business process like data management, processing transactions, interpretation of applications and particularly automating all repetitive tasks done by people earlier. It even includes tasks of doctors and CEOs amongst others, 45 % of which could be automated.

Cyber security – This is one of the most important areas to look out for the engineering sector. Advances in this area will help in dealing with security issues that could turn out to be serious nightmares. It does not quite seem to come under emerging technology, yet has been under the evolution scanner for around the same time as other technologies are. The major advancements in the area include deep learning, authentication as well as cloud technology while the others include behavioral analytics and prevention of data loss. A career around cyber security land you up in high paying jobs upto 6 figures.

Mostly importantly, Edge Computing, Data Science, Big Data obviously fall under the list of trending in the technology domain in 2019 and 20 and are definitely here to stay and bring about a rapid and progressive change in the industry and ecosystem on a whole.

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*Sourced from the Internet