The major transformation that technology and engineering has brought about in the past few years is digitalization including cloud computing, AI, machine learning as well as block chain skills. The influence of digitization has been far and deep. So much so that the in the future a simple degree in Engineering is not going to work. You need to have added skills that give you an edge above others. There have been a lot of studies around the effect of digitization on the job industry. As per a report by 2022, around five million jobs could be automated. Having said that, another fact is that machines need manual expertise to do the task precisely, enough.

BOTs are out in the market already and the will soon be coming face to face with humans, working hand in hand on the same platform. Even in India automotive giants like for example Bajaj Auto have been the pioneers in using collaborative robots on their shop floors. Others are not far behind and if we go by the prediction of a professional service firm, a five-fold increase in bot intervention is not just a year away.

So how do graduate engineers blend themselves into the ever changing landscape? To be future ready engineers need to be multi-faceted. A holistic approach that includes preparing themselves thorough by thinking outside the box, being open to risks and having the ability to navigate through the failures. Critical thinking, people skills and above all problem solving are some of the must have skills. While the AICTE has already revised the curriculum and is also providing various platforms to encourage students to come out with innovative ideas and cutting edge solutions. One advantage is that today’s generation is tech savvy and this definitely helps.

And as far as engineering as a career choice is concerned, well know that technology advancement is only going to create new channels and opportunities and that engineering is never going to go out of fashion as a one of the most rewarding careers.

*Sourced from the Internet

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