A Car That runs on Air and Water is on the Verge of Becoming Reality
A Startup named log9 belonging to an IIT Roorke alumni Akshay V singhal and Kartik Hajela has developed a car that comes with an innovative metal air battery that recharges itself. As on day the feasibility of electric cars in India is quite an issue. The infrastructure in India is not yet that sound so as to support the Electric cars that need to be recharged every 4-5 hours or every 100-150 kms. Further to recharge at speed within an hour or two they require high power and again infrastructure for the same is not there in India. Apparently, they are expensive to buy as well and then thinking of such a hassle makes the whole experience very inconvenient to think of.
When brands out there are focusing on consumer experience, such a driving experience that is full of hassles does not make a lot of sense. Hence, these 25 years olds developed an innovative battery known as metal air battery that recharges itself unlike other lithium-ion batteries which need to be charged externally. Hajela mentioned that their technology makes use of water, air and aluminum. The refueling needs to be done after every 300 kms with water and after every 1000 kms aluminum plates need to be replaced. This is a green initiative because there are no harmful emissions and the energy that is generated is free from any impurities. Furthermore, the materials that are used are sustainable raw materials like aluminum, water and air. Even the metal in use can be recycled after use besides the fact that there is no need for huge investments in charging stations.
The founders mentioned that they already have a prototype of the battery ready and the only part they are working on is to make it so compact that it fits the boot of the car. Hajela said that they were looking for funding so that they can make it commercially available in a 16 to 18 month time. He also claims that their product will cost almost 50 percent less than the electric vehicles.
They are a nano startup are also working on metal air batteries for generators. Their other range of products include oil sorbent pads for oil spills management, cigarette filter PpuF for reducing toxins in its smoke. They have already got investors like IIT Roorke incubator TIDES, Metaform Ventures and micro venture capital firm GEMS as well as other angel investors investing around 1 million. The founders of this start up also mentioned about their objective of developing products using carbon allotrope graphene which even though is known for its outstanding properties is not in use due to the high manufacturing process costing associated with it.
Well, hopefully in few years from now, you would not be surprised to see people using water to refuel their car. Future is now, isn’t it?
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*Sourced from the Internet