India had a solar target of installing 20 GW of solar power by 2022 but as per reports from a senior official of Department of Science and Technology Department of Central government, the target has been already achieved in January 2018, viz. 4 years ahead of the scheduled targets. Furthermore that as a result India […]

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The major transformation that technology and engineering has brought about in the past few years is digitalization including cloud computing, AI, machine learning as well as block chain skills. The influence of digitization has been far and deep. So much so that the in the future a simple degree in Engineering is not going to […]

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Studying birds requires observation, that too on a continuous basis. Even if information around their travel season is available a lot of information around their habitat, their groups and more needs to be explored in depth. To understand this, a new technology has been developed. Birds are now fitted with tracking devices which are small […]

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Yes, you read that right. Times when commuting from Mumbai to Pune will be a delight owing to traffic free hyperloop commute is in already in the making. Maharashtra government has already given a green signal to the US based firm for developing a on ground passenger service between Mumbai and Pune that could travel […]

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Cloud computing is ruling the IT industry at present and is the probably the golden period if you are into cloud computing. As the usage of cloud computing is increasing by leaps and bounds, there is a sudden spur in cloud computing professionals. Let’s look through cloud computing and career opportunities. Cloud computing is about […]

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While the major trends in data science include Big Data, Machine Learning, AI, Edge Computing, Digital Twins and Block-chain to name a few. The meshing of physical and real world which drowned the Big Data as well as Data Science, as per industry experts is already drowned by last year’s theme ‘the meshing of the […]

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Well, it’s half-way through 2019 already and when talking about the trending stuff around technology, cyber risk is one definite inclusion for sure. While a progressive change is definitely going to happen in the technology domain, it is going to bring along a challenge of skills scarcity for sure. Engineers will again have to be […]

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Engineering even today is one of the sought after career choices for students and parents do a lot of research before they choose a college for their ward. While looking out for colleges, one of the regions that tops the list in having colleges with state of the art infrastructure is Bangalore. This city is […]

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