IoT cyber security is a branch of technology that aims to safeguard connected objects and networks in the IoT. Connecting mechanical and digital equipment, objects, animals, and/or humans to the Internet is what the Internet of Things (IoT) includes. Each “thing” is given a special identification number and the ability to independently transfer data over […]

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While we have explored the moon and are exploring the mars, Sun is also a star that is full of mysteries that remain to be unveiled. While NASA is always almost the first to tread untouched territories of the space, this time too they launched the Parker Solar probe in the year 2018 to pursue […]

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Yes, you read that right. Times when commuting from Mumbai to Pune will be a delight owing to traffic free hyperloop commute is in already in the making. Maharashtra government has already given a green signal to the US based firm for developing a on ground passenger service between Mumbai and Pune that could travel […]

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While the major trends in data science include Big Data, Machine Learning, AI, Edge Computing, Digital Twins and Block-chain to name a few. The meshing of physical and real world which drowned the Big Data as well as Data Science, as per industry experts is already drowned by last year’s theme ‘the meshing of the […]

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Well, it’s half-way through 2019 already and when talking about the trending stuff around technology, cyber risk is one definite inclusion for sure. While a progressive change is definitely going to happen in the technology domain, it is going to bring along a challenge of skills scarcity for sure. Engineers will again have to be […]

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A Finnish cyber security company has said that there have been over 4.3 lac cyber-attacks in India from foreign lands like Russia, Netherlands, Germany, US and China. The attacks are 12 times the number of attacks that were of Indian origin and targeted to other countries. The leading country to attack India was Russia (255,589) […]

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Electronic and Communication Engineering has proved to be a stream that almost guarantees a lucrative career. Electronic and communication engineers are sought after by most of the MNC’s in India and the scope for growth in terms of work, and finances is immense. Hence, the demand for this course among the aspirants is quite high. […]

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