Types of Intelligence

In India, ever since its been a tradition of judging people based on their academic achievements and never based on their individual unique abilities besides academics. So, let us apparently get a hang of the type of intelligence based on Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligence’s. As per his theory there are seven different types of intelligence. Here’s a run down the same.

Interpersonal skills are really a boon to have while staying in a world filled with idiots. Yet it is equally true that not every one has them. Interpersonal intelligence deals with the ability to show empathy or sensitivity towards others feelings, moods and temperaments. It further includes group interaction.

This intelligence form helps individually enhance themselves and excel in what they really love to do because it is about knowing oneself in an out. The ability of self introspection helps oneself to identify weaknesses, strengths deeply.

This form of intelligence is about the creative skills around sounds and music. An individual with excellent musical intelligence has good understanding about music and has the ability to play musical instruments, compose music and sing well.

Bodily – Kinesthetic Intelligence
This type of intelligence deals with managing bodily motions and handling objects skillfully besides training responses ability and timing actions. Generally individuals with bodily kinesthetic intelligence can excel in crafts, sports and dance.

Verbal Linguistic Intelligence
As the name suggests, people with such an intelligence are very good at communication both written and spoken. Besides they are good story tellers and can memorize words faster comparatively.

Logical – Mathematical Intelligence – This intelligence includes critical thinking, logical thinking, critical and mathematical abilities. This is the most common ways to test intelligence in India. If you are not good with this than Indians may probably vote you out as a dumbass.

But, what we Indians fail to recognize is every individual in this world is unique in some way or the other as rightly said by a renowned personality with his quote ‘ you cannot judge a fish by its ability of climbing a tree. Apparently, what defines you is what you do best and not what you cannot. The good news is that many schools across the world are using this theory but its yet to be utilized in India and its time that we let go all these age old beliefs and classifications of judging intelligence based on logical and mathematical thinking and explore other elements that define many people.