Department Of Mathematics


The Department of Mathematics was established in the year 2006. Beginning with a modest strength of two faculty members in the first year, the Department now comprises of 6 well qualified, experienced and dedicated faculty members in which 1 Professor, 1 Associate Professor and 4 Assistant Professors where 4 had doctorate degree. The Department offers courses for both I and II year BE students and also for M. Tech students, requiring extra need in Mathematics are identified and special classes are conducted for them to enable to perform well. Well-equipped labs are provided for the practical information. As a result of the sincere hard work of the team the Department has been consistently obtaining excellent results. The Department is recognized as one of its research Centre by the VTU during the year
2011. Currently 7 students are pursuing part time Ph. D program. The thrust area of research of the Department Fluid Mechanics, Differential Geometry.


To impart quality education in Mathematics, thus laying a strong foundation for the study of engineering subjects and to enhance the student logical mathematical and analytical skills hence enabling students develop an appreciation of mathematics and its application.


To enable students to understand and appreciate the fundamental concepts of Technology.

Course Name

Department Of Mathematics



Marks - General

Marks - SC / ST / OBC

Eligibility - Subjects

Eligibility - Exam

Application Form

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A+ Accreditation, Approvals, and Recognition

Career Opportunities


Our Strength

  • Head of the Department
  • Associate Professor
  • Assistant Professor
  • Assistant Professor
  • Assistant Professor
  • Assistant Professor
  • Assistant Professor
  • Assistant Professor
  • Assistant Professor
  • Objectives

    To enable the students to apply the knowledge of Mathematics in various engineering fields by making them to learn the following partial derivatives, vector calculus , ordinary Differential equations, Laplace transform, Fourier series, Integral transform, Function of a complex variable, Numerical methods.

    Programme Outcomes
    • Solve differential equations of electrical circuits forced oscillation of mass spring and elementary heat transfer.
    • Solve the differential equation fluid mechanics, electromagnetic theory and heat transfer.
    • Use curl and divergence of vector valued function in various applications of electricity magnetism and fluid flows.
    • Use matrices techniques for solving system of linear equations in the different area of linear algebra.
    • Analyze position velocity and acceleration in two or three dimension using the Calculus of vector valued function.
    • Recognize and solve first order ordinary differential equation Newton’s Law of Cooling.

    • Engineering Mathematics-I
    • Engineering Mathematics-II
    • Engineering Mathematics-III
    • Engineering Mathematics-IV
    • Advanced Mathematics-I
    • Advanced Mathematics-II
    • Applied Mathematics.