Green9 RRCE EnSav Club

About EnSav Club

We delighted to inform you all that EnSav Club is purely a voluntary non-profit group activity of students aimed at practicing energy conservation and environment protection. EnSav club is part of various activities that are carried out inside RajaRajeswari College of Engineering. As an Institute, our College focuses not only on quality technical education but also on various other social and cultural learning. So that students spend, more time with each other working towards some goal that is helpful for whole society and which makes them a better person. This also makes student feel happy and they participate in academics with more involvement and interest.
EnSav club has student volunteers from various batches & programs offered in RajaRajeswari College of Engineering. We work together towards conservation of energy and spreading ideas that help in conserving energy.


EnSav club is started with vision of “Meeting the energy demand for further development of the society”.


The aim of club is to find techniques and create solutions that allow better use of energy in non-intrusive way. The club also aims at exploring better uses of clean and renewable sources of energy.


We are facing global energy crisis. Majority of our energy is generated using fossil fuels which cause pollution and lead to global warming. Completely safe ways of using nuclear energy are yet to be discovered. There is power cut even in major cities for hours. Small villages get power only for few hours in a day. There is large demand for energy and in absence of immediate solutions for generating clean and safe energy, it is necessary to use energy generated from existing sources more judiciously. This requirement of using present energy sources more judiciously is main motivation for starting EnSav club.


• Talks, Seminars, Workshops, Exhibitions and other awareness programmes are undertaken by these clubs every year to spread the message of energy conservation
• To plan periodic events such as essay, slogan competitions, Painting competitions, street theatre, poster development, art, craft and other cultural and creative pursuits in the Energy conservation club
• Club member’s help in better usage of energy by use of technologies like Wake on LAN (WOL), virtualization etc.
• We increase awareness about techniques and methods of preserving energy in day to day use of lights, fans, air conditioners, geysers, water coolers, PCs etc. by both technical and social ways.
• We increase use of solar devices and solve problems faced during their usage.
• We find out about more efficient lights like LED, CFL lights and promote their use over normal tube lights.
• We finding about rechargeable batteries and promoting their use over use and throw batteries. We promote usage of batteries that can be used in environmental friendly ways.
• We promote use of bicycles and public transportation system over privately owned fuel powered vehicles.
• With this Energy Conservation Club aims make energy efficient LED based products available in Hi-tech city area and increase awareness about them


Club members meet once every week to carry out activities of the clubs.


Ideas that are being used or will be used by EnSav club are:
• Mark switches of lights which are sufficient to lit corridors; bathrooms etc. so that we do not switch on all lights and use only the ones which are more than enough.
• Systems in workspace and teaching labs are configured to suspend/hibernate automatically when they are idle for some given duration.
• Replace tube lights with CFLs wherever possible. For example, if tube lights are being used in corridors and in bathrooms then they are being replaced with CFLs which consume less power than tube lights and give good enough light for bathroom/corridor purposes.
• Organize discussions with housekeeping, security, electricians, carpenter, plumber, etc. on energy conservation.
• Organize movie shows for movies related to environment or energy conservation to increase awareness about the problem and to educate people on how we can prevent destruction of environment.
• Collaborate with other organizations which have similar goals related to conservation of energy and protection of environment as our club.

Events Report

Report On “IDEATHON Contest: Waste-to-Energy”

Office Bearers



Rajarajeswari College of Engineering

Mr.M.Siddhartha Bhatt

Former Director

Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Division Central
Power Research Institute (CPRI), Bengaluru Present
Director,R & D on import substitute products

Navikrita Energy Labs,Bengaluru


Rajarajeswari College of Engineering

Mr.Avinash C M

Assistant Professor

Mr. Saravanan Perumal

Assistant Professor

Chaitra Basavanni Talawar




Mahesh Kumar.M


Nischal Narayan




Ensav Club Inauguration Photos

EnSav Club Certificate and Banners