
Faculty Details

Faculty Name

Dr. R. Balakrishna

Brief Profile

Dr.R.Balakrishna, Working as Principal and Professor At Rajarajeswari College of Engineering. He is completed the Ph.D. in 2010. Post-Doctoral Fellow ship awarded IN 2025. He is having a about 24 years of Teaching & Research Experience. He is expertise in the domain of Ad-hoc Networks, Mobile Computing, SCADA, Nano Grid and Micro Grid Technology, Computer Networks, and Distributed Operating System, IOT, Machine Learning, AI. He obtained his PhD. from Sri Krishnadevaraya University; AP. He is awarded Bhishma Acharya Award from the Bharat Education Excellence Awards, Best Teacher award, and Best Researcher award. He had 32 Patent Filed and published 12 patents are granted Indian and Abroad. He has published 55 papers in refereed International Journals, 59 papers in national and International Conferences. 5 text books are written like Theory of computation, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Operating system, Java for Beginners, Python Programming. Different Sponsored project are completed from the different agencies like AICTE, VGST, and KSCST, DST. Under his Research guidance 11 Research scholars awarded PhD. Degree in Computer Science and Engineering and 1 M.Sc. Engineering By Research Awarded. Currently he is guiding 7 PhD scholars. He given the many invited talks and guest Lectures, Hand on experience works like IOT, AI based. He is the BOE member in the VTU and BOS, BOE Autonomous colleges like Dr.AIT, Cambridge institute of Technology, Jain University. He has organized the National and International level Conference at RRCE since 2015 every Year. He has organized the Guest Lectures, works shops, FDP, SDP in the college regularly.

  • • International /National journals /UGC Care Journal: 55
  • • Scopus/web of science Publications: 59
  • • International / National Conferences: 46
  • • Ph.D. Awarded: 12
  • • M.Sc.Engg. By Research: 01
  • • Ph.D. Guiding: 07
  • • Patents Filed / Granted / Published: 31
  • • Funded Projects completed: 5
  • • Books: 5
  • • Workshops: 42


Professor and Principal


Computer Science and Engineering

Date of Birth



M.Tech, Ph.D, Post Doctoral Fellowship

Date of Joining



Mobile Ad Hoc Networking, Sensor Networks, Distributed OS, Software Engineering


23 Years
