
Faculty Details

Faculty Name

Dr. Usha S

Brief Profile

S. Usha, is currently working as a Professor,Dean R&D and Head , CSE, RRCE with an experience of 21 years. Graduated from Manonmanium Sundaranar University, in Computer Science and Engineering during the year 1998. She obtained her Master degree in Computer Science and Engineering and PhD degree from sathyabama university in the area of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks in the year 2013. She has 70 publications in International and National conferences, 32 publication in national journal and international journals in the area of Mobile Ad hoc Networks ,IoT,and wireless security. Most of the publications are having impact factor citied in SCI, google scholar,scopus (h index and i10index), Microsoft etc.. Received fund from AICTE under NCP scheme, MODROBS ,TGS ,VTU TEQIPand SERB(DST). Received best teacher award from Lions club in the year 2010&2012.Received best paper award in many conferences. Received women researcher award from Elsevier in the year 2020.Developed Centre of Excellence lab in IoT with industry collobration.Organized many international and national conferences ,FDPs and Technical Talks. Associated with ISTE, CSI,IEEE,IAENG ,IDES and IACSIT.Reviewed papers in Springer journals, IGI global, IJCs and CiiT jouranals. Acted as a TPC member in MIRA’14 IoTBDS ’17 and IoTBDS’18 Portugal.. Chaired sessions in FCS’14, ICISC’13 & ICCCT’15., ICCCT’17and IoTBDS’18.Local chapter Active SPOC for NPTEL ,College website co ordinator and NBA co ordinator at college level.




Computer Science and Engineering

Date of Birth



B.E, M.E, Ph.D

Date of Joining



Wireless MANET


21 Years