Institution’s Innovation Council

Inauguration of RR Institution’s Innovation Council(RRIIC)

Setting up RR Institution’s Innovation Council on 13th Feb 2019 and 14th Feb 2019 : RajaRajeswari College of Engineering Institution’s Innovation Council(RR IIC) was inaugurated on 13th February 2019 (Wednesday). Dr.R.Balakrishna, Principal delivered the presidential address.

The session on “How to Innovate and Start a Start Up” was organized for 272 students of CSE, ISE and ECE department were sensitized on 13th February 2019 (Wednesday). The same session was repeated for the Second year and Third year Mechanical and Civil Engineering students (182 students) on 14th February 2019 (Thursday).

Pongu Ventures Team has conducted the creativity Test for the Student Innovators and Student Entrepreneurs. 74 students were registered them as members of the RR Institution’s Innovation Council and the student members registered are grouped to form the Teams and Sensitized on Problem Discovery and Design Thinking. Students were guided to carry out the case study to discover a societal problem and trained to come up with the Design solution for the problem identified. Dr.J.Amutharaj, Professor and HoD, ISE Dept. and Chief Co-ordinator of RRIIC and Dr.K.Aravinthan, Associate Professor, Civil Engineering department have co-ordinated the two days programme.

View Certificates

View Reports
Annual RR IIC Reports 2020-21
Annual RR IIC Reports 2019-20
Annual RR IIC Reports 2018-19
Annual RR IIC Reports 2017-18

News and Events

Report on IIC Regional meet participation at REVA University on 9th December 2023
Institution Innovation Council – 23rd September 2023

Poster Presentation of Start Ups & Linkage with Innovation Ambassadors – 31st August 2023

Session on Yukthi- NIR Idea Submission – 24th August 2023

Leadership Talk on “Entrepreneurial Ideas for Budding Engineers” – 21st August 2023

Creativity & Innovation Workshop on Collage Preparation Competition on E Commerce – 16th August 2023

Workshop on “Funding Opportunities” – 19th July 2023

Workshop on “Incubators and Accelerators” – 12th July 2023

Leadership Talk on “Social Entrepreneurship & Life skills for GIGEconomy” – 7th August 2023

Workshop on “Prototype Validation & Achieving Value Proposition Fit & Business Fit” – 5th July 2023

National Level Workshop on Business Model Canvas – 16th June 2023

Innovation Entrepreneurship Outreach Bootcamp for School – 15th June 2023

Workshop on Lean Startups Building Minimal Viable Product – 13th June 2023

World Environment Day – 5th June 2023

Report of the Session on “Design Validation through Double Diamond Approach” – 9th May 2023

Prototype Project Exhibition – 8th May 2023

Yukthi Innovation Repository Report – 5th May 2023

Workshop on Activity Based Innovation Design Thinking – 20th March 2023

Report on Incubation Unit of RVCE – 3rd March 2023

Field Visit for Problem Identification – 3rd January 2023

Start up Promotion Strategies for Successful Start up establishment – 6th January 2023

Awareness Leadership Talk on IPR Patent and Copyright – 10th January 2023

National Youth Day – 11th January 2023

Workshop on Design Thinking, Critical Thinking and Innovation Design – 12th January 2023

National Science Day Exhibition – 14th March 2023

Technology Innovation and Technology Readiness Level – 24th January 2023

Problem Solution Fit Analysis – 27th January 2023

Business Plan Contest – 2nd September 2022

Space Tech Innovation – Lesson Learned from Successful Entrepreneur – 31 October 2022

National Innovation Day Celebrations 2022 & Arranged for Dr A P J Abdulkalam Endowment Lecture – 17th October 2022

National Level E-TABS Workshop – 1st September 2022

Motivational Talk by Successful Innovator cum Start up Founder – 10th November 2022

Problem Solving and Ideation – 24th November 2022

Awareness Leadership Talk on IPR and Copyright Protection – 23rd November 2022

Webinar on Entrepreneurship Education in HEIs – 30th November 2022

Start up Promotion Strategies – 8th January 2022

Entrepreneurship Skill Development – 8th January 2022

TRL Session – 25th January 2022

Secrets behind Successful start up – 5th February 2022

Workshop on Design Thinking and Innvoation – 9th February 2022

Leadership Talk on Opportunities and Challenges for Women Entrepreneurs – 16th February 2022

Lean CAnvas – 16th February 2022

Virtual Interaction with Successful Entrpreneur – 22 February 2022

National Science Day 2022 Report – 26th February 2022

IDT Worskhop on – 15th March 2022

How to Start a Start up Legal and Ethical Steps – 25th March 2022

BMC Workshop – 31st March 2022

Cost Structures and Revenue Stream Analysis – BMC 29th April 2022

World IPR Day 2022 Celebrations – 27th April 2022

Prototype Exhibition – 24th July 2022

World Entrepreneurship Day – 22nd August 2022

Business Plan Contest – 27th August 2022

Block Chain – Leadership Talk – 17th July 2021

E Commerce Innovations – 21st July 2021

Leadership Talk on Innovation in Electronics – 24th July 2021

Prototype Exhibition 2021 – 4th August 2021

World Entreprenurs Day 2021 – Report 24th August 2021

Role of Engineers in Innovation & Entrepreneurship for Nation Development – 15th September 2021

Engineers Day – 15th September 2021

Innovation Workshop on “Sustainable Innovation – How to avoid Global Temperature Increase” – 28th September 2021

Role of Engineers as Innovators and Entrepreneurs – 18th October 2021

Worshop on E and I as career Report – 28th October 2021

My Story Session 10.11. 2021 Wednesday by Successful Innovator cum Co Founder – 10th November 2022

Suceess Story of Start up Founder – 15th Nov 2021

Workshop on Problem Solving and Ideation – 26th November 2021

IDeation Techniques and Mind Mapping – 30th November 2021

National Pollution Control Day 2021 – 18th December 2021

National Energy Conservation Day Celebrations – 30th Dec 2021

Problem Solution Fit Analysis – Mech and RRIIC – 22nd February 2022

WS IPR and IP mgmt for start ups

IoT Rapid Prototyping – 13rd April 2022

Earth Day Celebration – 23rd April 2022

ACSCE IPR WS – 28th April 2022

National Technology Day Celebrations – 12th May 2022

Successful Entrepreneurship – 14th May 2022

Bio Diversity Day – 21st May 2022

Incubators and Accelerators – Opportunity for Students and Faculty – 30th May 2022

Wolrd Environment Day Celebrations – 14th June 2022

Sic Hat Thinking Technique – 20th July 2022

Problem Discovery Medical Innovation – 26th July 2022

Funding Your Start up – 1st August 2022

Self Reliant INDIA – Atmanirbar 75 years of Independence – 15th August 2022

SWRO Regional meet – 16th August 2022

Lean Start up – 23 August 2022

Trained Innovation Ambassadors

5. RRIIC - Innovation Ambassadors of RRCE