News & Events

12th Graduation Day 3rd December 2021

RajaRajeswari College of Engineering, Bengaluru is organizing 12th Graduation Day on 3rd Dec, 2021 (Friday)
@ 9:30 – 11:30 am for Dept of CSE/ ISE/ MCA ,
@ 2:00 – 4:00 pm for Dept of ECE/ EEE/ MBA and
On 4th Dec,2021 ( Saturday) @ 9:30 – 11:30 am for Dept of ME/ CIV.

RajaRajeswari College of Engineering organized Graduation day for the batch of 2021 on 3rd & 4th December, 2021. Around 650+ Graduands and their proud parents attended the ceremony batch wise by following all COVID protocols to celebrate their success.

The Inaugural function was held on 3rd December, 2021 at RajaRajeswari College of Engineering, Bengaluru. The esteemed Chief Guests are, Sri. Srinath Reddy, Associate Vice-President & Head Semiconductors Business Unit, Sasken Technologies Ltd, Bengaluru; Sri.Mahesh Shastry, Chief Executive officer, Flynava Technologies, JNC Road, Koramangala, Bengaluru and Dr. Muthuveerappan N, Associate Director Gas Turbine Research Establishment, DRDO, Ministry of Defence, Govt. of India.

Dr. T. Chandrashekar, Principal RajaRajeswari College of Engineering addressed the gathering and highlited vision mission and Academic achievements of the college. Principal In his report he said, “RajaRajeswari College of Engineering has been in the forefront of academic excellence. Living up to the noble vision of its founder Dr. A. C. Shanmugam, the college strongly believes in the concept of holistic education and strives to achieve its mission of preparing students to meet the challenges posed by the twenty-first century.”

The Chief Guest addressed the Batch of 2021, along with the Parents and Faculty, congratulating them on their achievement and he stated to continue the learning and cultivate the right attitude to work as a team and help each other. When opportunities hit you, the success will come your way through dedication and hardwork. Final advice to the Graduands was “Be Kind, work hard and never stops being curious”. At the end, Chief Guests give away special endowment medals and Degree certificates at the ceremony.

Out of the 653 graduating students who received their degrees, 7 students got toppers award from each department and Mr. SANDEEP from the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering recieved Gold medal as overall college topper.

Dr. A. C. Shanmugam, Founder Chancellor & Chairman, Sri. A.C.S. Arun Kumar, President RRGI-Bengaluru, Dr. S. Vijayanand, Excutive Dirctor, RRGI, Sri. C.N. Seetharam, IAS (Retd.), Chief Executive Officer, RRGI, Dr. S. Jayabalan, Special Officer, RRGI, Dr. R. Balakrishna, Dean RRCE, all HOD’s, Faculty of RRCE and others were also present for the Inauguration.

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