News & Events

3 Days SDP on Computer Aided Machine Drawing

On day 1 Prof.K S Madhu highlighted new technologies that have made to acquire the knowledge of CAD software and its features. To familiarize the students with Indian Standards on drawing practices. Review of graphic interface of the software. Review of basic sketching commands and navigational commands. Starting a new drawing sheet. Sheet sizes. Naming a drawing, Drawing units, grid and snap. Conversion of pictorial views into orthographic projections of simple machine parts.

On day 2 Conversion of pictorial views into orthographic projections of simple machine parts. Hidden line conventions. Precedence of lines. Conversion of pictorial views into orthographic projections of simple machine parts (with section planes indicated on the part). Thread Forms: Thread terminology, sectional views of threads

On day 3 preparation of assembly drawings manually and using Solid edge packages I.C. Engine connecting rod,Tool head of shaper and Leaver safety valve




Resource Person

Date & Time

Inauguration and Welcome 9:00 to 10:15 AM



Prof.K S Madhu

Asst. Professor -ME, RRCE

22nd Dec 2016

10:30 to 12:30


Sections of Solids& Hands on session

22nd Dec 2016

2:00 to 3:30


Keys, Joints, Couplings& Hands on session

23rd Dec 2016

9:30 to 11:30


Lever Safety Valve & Hands on session

23rd Dec 2016

1:00 to 4:00


I.C. Engine connecting rod& Hands on session

24th Dec 2016

9:30 to 12:00


Tool head of shaper& Hands on session

24th Dec 2016

1:30 to 4:00

Valedictory and feedback session 4:00 to 4:30

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