News & Events

Alumni Leadership Talk on Higher Studies Abroad and Career Opportunities Abroad

Alumni Leadership Talk on “Preparing for Higher Studies abroad and Opportunities”
Event Name: Alumni Leadership Talk on Higher Studies Abroad And Career Opportunities Abroad
Venue: Von Neumann Seminar Hall
Date & Time: 16th January 2024 & Timing: 1.30 P.M. to 02.30 P.M.
Alumnus visited: Mr. Amaresh Vasisth
Batch: 2016 – 2020 batch
Organization: Art Cupid Company, United Kingdom
Designation: Marketing Coordinator in wild recruitment ltd and Founder of Art Cupid Company
Summary of the event:
The event started with the welcoming of the alumnus Mr. Amaresh Vasisth, Founder of Art Cupid Company by Dr.J.Amutharaj, Professor & HoD – ISE and RRCE Alumni Association Coordinator Dr. Savitha B. Mr.Vijayalaxmi Joshi, AP – ISE and ISE Department Alumni Coordinator. Around 70 students of II year and III year Information Science and Engineering department have participated.
Mr. Amaresh Vasisth (2016 – 2020), Marketing Coordinator in wild recruitment ltd and Founder of Art Cupid Company interacted with 2nd, 3rd ISE students. Universities and colleges abroad actively engage their students with a balance between theory and practicality. They offer both on campus and off campus experiences to equip their students with skills to help them engage the study matter. He also guided about higher studies in abroad and various scholarships that are provided in abroad for educational purposes

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