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Resource Person : Mr.N.K. Venkatnarayanan, Leadership Coach and Management Consultant, Tata Consultancy Services, Bengaluru

Date : 26th and 27th March 2019

Venue : Dept of ISE , 2nd Floor, RRCE

Invitation For : RRCE and Other college students

Outcome of the Program :

A National level technical fest ANOKHA 2K19 was conducted by ISE Department on 26th & 27th March, 2019. The TechFest “ANOKHA 2K19” was inaugurated by Mr.N.K. Venkatnarayanan, Leadership Coach and Management Consultant, Tata Consultancy Services, Bengaluru. Dr.R.Balakrishna, Principal, RajaRajeswari College of Engineering presided over the function. Dr. J.Amutharaj, Professor and HOD / ISE delivered the welcome address.

Mr.M.K.Venkatnarayanan in his inaugural address stressed the importance of organizing symposium and seminars for the students to upgrade their knowledge and skills in the recent technological trends. He advised the students to acquire more practical exposure and knowledge by attending symposiums and seminars. He stressed that the purpose should be prepared based on one’s understanding and innovative thinking. Dr.T.R.Gopalakrishnan Nair, Rector, RR Group of Institutions and Dr.K.Ramar, Dean of the college also felicitates the students. In the symposium 22 papers were presented in two sessions. The themes of the sessions are Internet of Things (IOT), Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Security in Social Networks, Image Processing and Wireless Sensor Networks. Apart from the paper presentations, project Exhibition was organized. The other events in the Symposium include Technical Quiz, Pair Programming, Debugging, CinemaPedia, PubG, Collage and Treasure hunt. Around 180 students from various colleges participated in this two days technical fest.

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