News & Events

Awarness program on IPR under NIPAM 2.0

Resource Person : Mr. O Prasad Rao
Dy. Controller of Patents & Design, Govr. Of India, Chennai.

Date : 10th January 2023

Venue : APJ Abdulkalam Hall (RRCE auditorium)

Objective: The main objective is to create the awareness about the IPR (Intellectual Property rights) under the title of “Awarness program on IPR under NiPAM 2.0” for the faculties and students.

The following mentioned titles are discussed by the guest speaker which are :

  • Patents
  • Designs
  • Trade Marks
  • Geographical Indications (GI)
  • Copyrights
  • Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Layout-Designs (SICLD)

The session was extended with some discussion from the audience.

Along with he gave some tips about the validity, Career opportunities and some quize and Q&A sessions was conducted by the guest speaker.

Total Number of participants: 49 faculties + 50 students

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