News & Events

Career Guidance on Higher education – 2023

Name of event: Career Guidance on Higher education
Duration: 06/07/23
Venue: Tesla seminar hall
Chief Guests:

    1. Ablilash K, Business Development Manager, Nestlings, Bengaluru.
    2.Mr. Hitesh C, Marketing associate, Nestlings, Bengaluru.

Sponsorship (if Any): —
Total audience: 33
Outcome of Event:

  • Why Masters in abroad? What are the requirements?
  • When to Apply? What is the process?
  • Budget & Stay Back option, Scholarship Programs
  • Popular courses & Top Universities for engineering students.
  • Profile Analysis
  • Eligibility Criteria for Universities
  • On Spot University short listing
  • Spot Service offers based on profiles
  • Types of Scholarship Based on Universities & Programs
  • Eligibility Criteria for Loans

We thank the Management for encouragement and support.
career guidance