Carrer Development on Cloud Computing
Title of the event:Carrer Development on Cloud Computing
Chief Guest Person and resource person:VEERABHADRA B
Date: 11/12/022
Time: 11:00 AM TO 1:30 P.M
Venue: APJ Kalam HALL
Organizer: Dr. RAJESH K.S HOD (AIML)
Faculty Co-Ordinator’s: Prof.Mamatha K.R (AIML)
Target Participants: 3rd year Students (AIML)
Outcome of the program:
Cloud computing is a system of databases and software, typically operated in data centres and warehouses. It enables users and businesses to access digital information over the internet from anywhere, rather than having physical servers. Different opportunities present in the field of cloud computing. Various clouds available and how people use cloud in this socio-economic world.