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Celebration of International Yoga day

On the event of International Yoga day, Yoga Club conducted Yoga Day on 24/06/2016 at ‘Abdul Kalam’ Conference hall, RRCE. Programme started with a welcome speech by Prof. Preethi A Nayak, Yoga Coordinator inviting International Yoga Champion Smt. Sowbhagya as a Chief Guest, Founder and Yoga Guru of Sowbhagya yoga kendra trust, Chennapatna. The Said Programme was attended students and Faculty members. Students and faculties practically experienced with Yogasahanas and Pranayamas. During the programme the speaker delivered the importance and benefits of various asahanas along with demo by other two expertises.

While on the subject Various Asanas like Tadasana, AdrdaChakrasana, Padma Hastasana, Trikonasana, PrasaritaPadottanasana, ParivarttaTrikonasana, Vrikshasana, Bhujangasana, Makarasana, Dhanurasana, Sarvangasana, Chakrasana. Pranayama Like Basthika Pranayama, Kapalabathi, Bhramari Pranayama,Omkara Meditation along with Surya Namaskara etc., and its various benefits like to increase our concentration, Memory, brain power, to heal all mental and psychological disorders like anger, stress, anxiety, or even depression ourself, helps to dissolve the extra fat boosting metabolism and controls obesity, quickness digestion, Improves body strength, reduces stress and tension, Cholesterol level control through various ashanas importance were explained. The group have personally showed the mistake & guided the audience.

Finally the Chief Guest Mrs. Sowbhagya concluded the programme by practically doing the Pranayama to all audience and also advised and shown interest to conduct yoga classes twice or thrice in a week. Finally Programme came to end by vote of thanks. Moreover this Programme was very Interesting & more Informative to faculty and Students.

Yoga Club Head and Members are:

Chief Patrons:Sri A.C Shanmugam – Chairman, RR Group of Institutions
                       Sri A.C.S Arun Kumar – Vice Chairman, RR Group of Institutions
                       Sri. Vijayanand S – Executive Director, RR Group of Institutions
                       Sri. T.N Sitharam- CEO, RR Group of Institutions
                       Sri S Jayabalan – Special officer, RR Group of Institutions
                       Dr. Gopalakrishna Nair- Rector, RR Group of Institutions
                       Dr. R Balakrishna – Principal, RajaRajeswari College of Engineering
                       Prof. M Prabhakar – Vice Principal, RajaRajeswari College of Engineering
                       Prof. Preethi A Nayak – Asst. Prof/Law Officer, RRCE

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