News & Events

Comfort at the Doorstep : In-House Banking Facility at RRCE

RRCE is always keen to introduce new innovative steps to improve the quality of education. RRCE in collaboration with ICICI bank has ensured to open a new ICICI Bank branch on 14th Sep 2013 within the RRCE Campus. With this new branch opening inside the campus, ICICI Bank would help RRCE students and Professionals to manage their financial deals, in-house, fast and smooth. As the bank is there at their doorstep, students professionals working in RRCE don’t have to go searching for their bank branches for their financial dealings. This is going to be a new step in the direction of making banking easier for all the people whom are studying or working in RRCE. Student community, parents will highly benefit from the easily accessible location of the bank. This new facility will save the time and energy of all the concerned people. RRCE takes pride in being able to take another step to improve its concerned individuals’ quality of life.