News & Events

Expert Lecture on Discrete mathematical structures & its Applications

Resource Person : Prof. Kallur V .Vijaya Kumar, M.Sc., M.Phil. (Ph.D),Associate Professor, Mathematics Dept. BMS Institute of Technology, Bangalore.

Date : 28th November 2018

Time : 9.30 AM TO 12.45 PM

Venue : ISE Seminar Hall, RRCE

Coordinator for the event : Mr.Dineshkumar M, Asst.Prof, Department of ISE

Target Participants : Second year ISE students

Outcome of the Program :

  • Gained Fundamental Knowledge about the Discrete Mathematical Structures and their applications to solve real life problems
  • Understand the applications of Recurrence Relations, Permutation and Combination
  • Explained the basics and fundamentals of Graph theory and its applications
  • Principle of inclusion-exclusion.

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