News & Events

Expert Talk on Professional Ethics, Code of Conduct and Academic Integrity

Resource Person : 1.Dr.Karthikeyan M
Department of Mechanical Engineering.

2. Dr.Satheesha V,
Associate Professor,
Department of Mechanical Engineering.

Date : 10th January 2021

Time : 10.00 AM to 12.30 PM

Venue : Mechanical seminar Hall/APJ Hall

Participants : Students,Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff of Mechanical Engineering Department

Objective :

  • To provide a set of norms and rules for regulating workplace behaviour and respect for everyone.
  • To develop ability to deal effectively with moral complexity in students& faculty
  • To identify and deal with ethical problems developing their moral intuitions which are implicit in everyday choices and actions.

Outcome of the Program :

  • The perception of ethical behavior can increase employee performance, job satisfaction, Organizational commitment, trust and behavior.
  • Understand the practical problem solving steps to be taken when making ethical evaluations
  • Be fully aware of the relationship between the practical problem-solving process and the assessment criteria

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