News & Events

FDP on Intellectual Property Rights

Resource Person : Mr. Nitin Awasthi Director-Technical, APSIS Solutions .Bangalore

Date : 3rd January 2019

Venue : Seminar Hall, Department of ECE,RRCE

Total number of participants : 32

Outcome of the Program :

  • Participants have gained the knowledge on awareness on IPR
  • Sessions on IPR guided the participants to recognized and work towards IPR.
  • IP has gained center stage and has attained more focus, more attention and is a subject matter of discussion between government, institutions, industries under various regimes and protocol that are put in place to ensure that the world in which we live, where knowledge and innovation are the engines of development and growth. In that world, those who have the creative minds and ability should feel assured that not only their efforts have been duly recognized but it is secured in a specified manner
  • It is also important to promote intellectual property licensing practices, particularly, with a view to foster creativity, innovation and the transfer and dissemination of technology to developing countries and least developed countries. India should share its IP for the 5 betterment of other nations as done in the past. There has to be both free transfer of technology which will address the challenge of climate change and also transfer of recourses to poor countries.
  • Enforcement of IP rights is another major area which deserves serious mention in the policy. There should be effective enforcement of the IP laws so that the issues of piracy and counterfeits which results in huge losses to various industries can be mitigated.
  • Hence capacity building activities must be carried out with vigor to enhance the IP enforcement in the country and to make India a destination for international IP Filings.

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