News & Events

Green Day 2020

Date : 1st July 2020

RajaRajeswari College of Engineering Celebrated Green Day on 01/07/2020, Wednesday at RRCE campus. It’s a great annual event focusing on the issues of environment and trying to solve them. The event had in attendence, Pricipal Dr. T Chadrashekar , Dean Dr. Balakrishna R, Heads of the Departments and all the Faculties. While conducting the event everyone followed the preventive measures of COVID-19. To bring the positive changes in the college campus Green club have taken good initiative step in creative way i.e., Recycling the waste things to usefull one,

Recycling: waste plastic paint buckets are converted as beautiful plant potters. Really it was very inspirational to everyone to REUSE the things.

Plantation: A small group of thought full commited citizen can change the world. So we RRCE Green Club have taken the initiative to make our campus as Green Campus by plantation.

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Green day