News & Events

Higher studies in India & Abroad and a Session on Quick Maths

Resource Person : Krishna Pratap Singh, Faculty T.I.M.E.

Event Duration : 1.30pm – 4.00pm on 20th April 2016.

Venue : Satyendra Nath Bose Seminar Hall, Department of ECE, RRCE, Bengaluru.

Mode of Event : Intra College level

No. of Students enrolled : 30

Target Participants : Final year and pre-final year students of ECE are invited to participate.

Outcome of the event :

  • Many students of final year and pre-final year students have shown interest in pursuing higher studies in India & abroad. They extracted the information about category of institutions, Fee structure and funded projects and eligibility criteria through their questionnaire.
  • The resource person gave them sufficient information and web link through which they can read further about higher studies in different countries and in India and job opportunities after their studies.
  • The students have interactively participated and enjoyed doing a session on Quick Maths.

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