News & Events


Date : 21st & 22nd June 2022

Venue : Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam Hall,RRCE,Bengaluru.

Objective of the Conference :

The primary objective of ICETEMT-2022 is to provide a world class platform to present and discuss all the latest research and results of Scientists, Engineers, Academicians and Research Scholars. This conference provides opportunities for the different areas of delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences face to face business or research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration.

Number of papers received: 380

Number of papers registered: 244

International Conference held at #RRCE: #RajaRajeswari College of Engineering, Bangalore has organized an “International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Management and Technology” (ICETEMT 2022) during 21 – 22 June 2022.

Dr J Amutharaj, Vice Principal and Programme Chair – ICETEMT 2022 delivered the welcome address. Dr T Chandrashekar, Principal has delivered the presidential address. Dr L.Rangiah, Convener and Professor & Head – ECE Department delivered a note on ICETEMT-2022. Dr R Balakrishna, Dean, RRCE delivered a key note address and Dr S Usha, Dean – Research has stressed the importance of connectivity between the academic research and social concern and relevance during the research work.

Mr. Murali, Chairman & MD, Shriram Properties was the Chief Guest of the inaugural function. Mr. Lavanam Amballa, Head – Campus Hiring & Global Campus Operation, WIPRO Technologies & Mr. Kirankumar K.S, Program Manager, CM / AMI, Philips India Ltd., were the Guest of Honours and have graced the occasion.

Internationally renowned Technical Experts from various parts of the globe delivered the Tutorial Talks on Sustainable Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Machine Learning and Deep Learning for large scale business and Cyber Security. More than 200 selected papers were presented in the Conference. Dr Ebby Darney, Professor and Head, Department of Electrical Engineering has proposed the vote of Thanks.

About the Event

Conference Accepted and Presented Papers published in
i. Neuro Quantology (An Interdisciplinary Journal of Neuroscience and Quantum Physics )- Scopus Indexed
ii. Journal of Algebraic Statistics (Web of Science)
iii. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) – UGC Indexed –

The Conference owes its success to the able guidance of Dr. T Chandrashekar, Principal, Conference Chair and the hard work put in by the entire ICETEMT -2022 team led by Dr. R Balakrishna, Dean, Programme Chair, Dr. S. Usha, Dean , R & I, Programme Chair & Dr. L. Rangaiah, Prof & HoD-ECE, Convener, as well as with faculty and student Coordinators.

The Hon’ble Chief Guest Mr. Murali M, Chairman & MD, Shriram Properties inaugurated the Conference, along with Guest of Honors Mr. Lavanam Amballa, Head – Camus Hiring & Global Campus Operation, WIPRO Technologies; Mr. Kiran Kumar K S, Program Manager, CR/AMI, Philips India Ltd and with other dignitaries. The Conference Proceedings were released by all the dignitaries during the inaugural function. The inaugural function was graced with the keynote on “Emerging Trends in Health Care and IoT Applications” by Mr. Kiran Kumar K S, Philips India Ltd.

Over the two-day Conference, 5 Tutorial sessions with International Speakers were organized and 6 concurrent sessions per day with 2 session chairs per session were conducted fruitfully. On the 2nd day, in the Valedictory function, the Best paper was awarded from each Department. Also, the participants were given presentation Certificates by various Heads of the Dept. Dr. Rangaiah L, Conference Convener extended the vote of thanks and expressed his gratitude. The contribution of scholars from diverse fields definitely added a new dimension to the R & D chapter of RRCE, Bengaluru.

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