News & Events

Industrial Visit to Tata Consultancy Services Limited (TCS)

Dept. of ISE Organizing Industrial Visit to Tata Consultancy Services Limited (TCS), Bangalore on 18th May 2017.

Resource Person : Mr. Sreenivasa Ramanujam, Academic Relationship Manager, Karnataka & Mr. Bighnaraj Panigrahi

Date : 18/05/2017

Venue : TCS, White Field Road, Global Axis H Block Building, Bangalore – 66

Target Participants : 2nd year UG Students

Faculty Accompanied : Mr.Ananda Kumar, Mrs. Neha singhal, Mrs.Ashwini M Patil

Industry visit coordinator : Ms. Rajeshwari S

Outcome of the program/workshop :

  • Gained Knowledge about how to fill the gap between industry and Academic.
  • Gained Knowledge about how to face interview
  • Gained Knowledge about latest research topics in TCS.
  • The main objective behind the visit was to make student aware about how an Software company works, Services available, Job Opportunities, Information Resource Center (IRC) Function.

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