News & Events

Industrial Visits to Visvesvaraya Rain Harvesting Theme Park

Addressed by : Mr. Naveenth
Engineer of Visvesvaraya Rain Harvesting Theme Park

Date : 20th and 21st January 2023

Venue : Visvesvaraya Rain Harvesting Theme Park

Objective: The main objective is to create the awareness about to save rain water under the title of “Rain water Harvesting” for the students.

The following mentioned titles are discussed by the guest speaker which are :

  • Usage of water supply in our state
  • Water scarcity
  • Types of harvesting
  • Protective measures
  • Awareness

The session was extended with some discussion from the students

Along with that he showed Various designs of harvesting model and he has explained each and every models with demo.

Total Number of participants: 3 faculties + 108 students

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