News & Events

Innovate – 2022

Date : 23rd July 2022

Time : 9:00 AM to 4.00 PM

Venue : RRCE Campus

Greetings from RajaRajeswari College of Engineering, Bangalore.

We cordially invite the students for the Innovate 2022 – a Prototype Project Exhibition to be held on 23rd July 2022 (Saturday) organized by RajaRajeswari Institution Innovation Council (RRIIC) of RajaRajeswari College of Engineering, Bangalore.

About Innovate 2022 Exhibition: Students of RRCE will be showcasing their Technical expertise by presenting various working models and prototypes using the emerging technologies which are industry relevant and useful for the society in this Exhibition.

Live projects useful to the society and in the emerging trends of the industry like #Artificial Intelligence, #Machine Learning, Internet of Things (#IoT), #Robotics and Automation, Computer Science Engineering (#CSE), #Computer Applications, Electronics and Communication Engineering (#ECE), Electrical Engineering (#EE), #Mechanical Engineering, #Civil Engineering, #Agriculture and Irrigation Engineering and #Bio Medical Engineering and many more.

This Innovate 2022 Prototype Project Exhibition will create an awareness and understanding about different emerging technologies and how these technologies will be useful to develop products and services for the betterment of the society, people and industry.

We expect your support and encouragement by sending your students to interact and witness the projects and applications developed using latest Technological trends by our RRCE Students.

Outcome of the Program :

3Innovate 2022 – Prototype Exhibition held at #RRCE: #RajaRajeswari Institution Innovation Council (RRIIC) of RajaRajeswari College of Engineering, Bangalore has organized an Exhibition “Innovate 2022 – Prototype Exhibition on 23rd July 2022(Saturday) between 9.00 A.M. and 4.00 P.M.

Dr J Amutharaj, President of RRIIC and Vice Principal of RRCE delivered the welcome address. Dr T Chandrashekar, Principal of #RRCE has delivered the presidential address. The Project Prototype Exhibition 2022 was inaugurated by Mr.B.V.Sudharshan, Deputy Managing Director, Nettur Technical Training Foundation, Bengaluru. He stressed the importance of adoptability, lifelong learning and soft skills requirements of fresh engineering graduates who are moving to the industry from Institute. He also motivated the students on Innovation and design thinking to become an Entrepreneur (or) Technopreneur to produce useful products and applications to the society. He also appreciated the efforts taken by students and faculty guides for demonstrating the working model prototypes.

Dr R Balakrishna, Dean, RRCE delivered a special address and Dr S Usha, Dean – Research has stressed the importance of connectivity between the academics and social concern in the work place. More than 120 working model prototypes were exhibited in the Exhibition. PUC Students and school students from nearby vicinity visited the exhibition to witness the applications and projects developed using latest technologies.

Dr C Ramesh, Professor and Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering has proposed the vote of Thanks.

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