News & Events

Internal Hackathon for Smart India Hackathon 2020

Date : 18th January 2020

Time : 10:00 AM

Venue : APJ Abdul Kalaam Hall

About the Programme:

Smart India Hackathon is an initiative by Ministry of HRD. It is the world’s biggest Hackathon and an open innovation model. Smart India Hackathon 2020 is a nationwide initiative to provide students a platform to solve some of the pressing problems we face in our daily lives, and thus inculcate a culture of product innovation and a mindset of problem solving. The last edition of the hackathon saw over 5 million+ students from various colleges compete for the top prize at 65+ locations. In SIH 2020, the students would have the opportunity to work on challenges faced within various Ministries, Departments, Industries, PSUs and NGOs to create world class solutions for some of the top organizations including industries in the world, thus helping the Private sector hire the best minds from across the nation. It can help to:
o Harness creativity & expertise of students
o Spark institute-level hackathon
o Build funnel for ‘Startup India’ campaign
o Crowd source solutions for improving governance and quality of life
o Provide opportunity to citizens to provide innovative solutions to India’s daunting problems

About the Internal Hackathon:
Students need to present their ideas for the problem statements given by different ministries Departments, Industries, PSUs and NGOs and companies given in the SIH portal.
The aim of the event is to finalize the best 5 teams from software projects and best 2 from hardware projects. These 7 teams will be the final entry to the Smart India Hackathon 2020.

A total of 75 teams had submitted their ideas for internal hackathon. After an initial department level scrutinization by our internal juries, 35 teams (14 software and 21 hardware) got selected for the college level internal hackathon.
Internal Hackathon Event date and Time: 18th Jan 2020 from 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.
Single Point of Contact(SPOC) : J.Rajalekshmi, Asst Prof, Dept of CSE, RRCE
Department Coordinators :
1. Mr.Manjunath Varchagall, Dept of CSE
2. Mr Kamalakar G K, Dept of Civil
3. Dr D. Sobhya, Dept of ECE
4. Mr.Pavankumar K R, Dept of EEE
5. Ms.Chaitra S, Dept of ISE
6. Mr.Shivalingaiah K, Dept of ME
7. Mr.Chethan, Dept of MBA
8. Mrs.Deepa K.R, Dept of MCA
External Juries:
1. Mr. Kalyanam Kannan, Founder and President, Generis Technologies, Director of CTDS, RRGI
2. Dr. G. Vinoth CEO, Pongu Ventures
3. Dr. T. Senthil Kumaran, Dean(R&I ), ACS College of Engineering
Internal Juries:

1. Dr . Usha S & Dr.ShebaSelvam, Dept of CSE
2. Dr Ramesh V
3. Dr. L.Rangiah & Dr. D.Sobya, Dept of ECE
4. Dr. N.Amuthan, Dept of EEE
5. Dr Ramesh C &Dr. Satheesha V, Dept of Mech
6. Dr. J.Amutharaj Dept of ISE
7. Mr. Hayavadan G Dept of MCA
8. Dr. Pavan Kumar K Dept of MBA

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