News & Events

Internal Hackathon – SIH 2023

Date: 23/09/2023
Venue: 5th floor, Discussion Room, RRCE
The internal hackathon was held at RajaRajeswari College of Engineering on 23.09.2023. 54 teams participated in the Internal Hackathon. All the teams came up with the ideas reflecting the problem statement given by SIH (Smart India Hackathon).
Coordinators for Internal Hackathon:
The Institution identified Dr. P. Ebby Darney, Associate Professor – EEE as Institution SPOC (Single Point of Contact) and Department coordinators are also identified to facilitate students’ participation for Internal Hackathon event. The following staff members are being nominated from each department to conduct the “Internal Hackathon – Smart India Hackathon – 2023” jointly organized by RajaRajeswari Institution Innovation Council (RRIIC) of RajaRajeswari College of Engineering, Bangalore on 23rd September 2023.
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