News & Events

International Yoga day

Resource Person : Dr. R Maruthi Ram

Date : 21st June 2017

Time : 10 AM

Venue: Old CSE Lab, Ground Floor

About the Programme:

It is a matter of joy and privilege that June 21st is celebrated as “International Day of Yoga” propagating the glory of ancient Indian wisdom jointly proclaimed by leading Yoga Institutions. To commemorate the same, Rajarajeswari College of Engineering observed “International Day of Yoga” at Seminar Hall on 21.06.2017 wherein faculty, students and staff have participated.

At the outset, Prof. Preethi A Nayak, RRCE Yoga Coordinator welcome Dr.R Maruthi Ram, Prof. & HoD, MBA Department, Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology & Management, who is also the Yoga guru @ Yogashree Yoga Centre, Bangalore, the Resource Person for the event.

Prof. Dr. K Pavan Kumar HoD, MBA department read out the profile of the guest and requested him to stress on the importance of Yoga and its demonstration.

In his address, Dr. R Maruthi Ram explained that application of Yoga is to bring health, harmony and peace which will highlight the beneficial effects of Yoga in the field of health, concentration and stress management. The students and faculties have practiced and performed various Asanas and Pranayama, demonstrated by Mr. Shiva Kumar, who assisted the Guru.

At the outset, the audience were very much delighted to know the importance of yoga in the day today life.

The faculty members have rendered positive response by providing feedback on their learning and they promised that they would take up Yoga sessions on a continuous basis and make their lives wholesome.

Prof. K Pavan Kumar thank the Yoga Guru and his team for giving demonstration and illustration on Yoga. The International Yoga Day celebration was concluded with vote of thanks by the Chair.

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