News & Events

IEEE Expert Talk on Internet of Energy and Standards

Resource Person : Dr. Priya Ranjan Mishra, Principal Scientist, Philips Lighting Research India

Date : 9th May 2018

Time : 11:30 AM

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About the Programme:

The program was commenced with the thoughts of almighty of GOD. Dr. M.Arunachalam, Prof. & HoD of EEE (Student Branch Counselor) welcomed the Guest Dr.Priya Ranjan Mishra, Principal Scientist, Philips Lighting Research India with bouquet of flowers. Prof. Sincy Elezebeth Kuruvilla, Asst. Prof. Dept. of EEE (Student Branch Chair) presented the brief bio-data of the Expert Speaker to the gathering.

The speaker, Dr. Priya Ranjan Mishra delivered an expert talk on “Internet of energy and Standards”. The concept is defined as a network infrastructure based on standards that allow a real time balance between the local and global generation with the energy demand. He discussed about Vision smart Grid – 2050, Importance of smart Grid, Foundational pillars of Energy Internet, Energy Swapping, and Architecture of energy router. He also gave brief introduction about the Standards for Smart grids – IEEE 2030.5. The session was very interactive and the knowledge shared by the speaker uplifted our students to a level forward.

The expert was felicitated with mementos by IEEE PES Bangalore Chapter and Management of Rajarajeswari College of Engg., Bengaluru. The program was concluded with the Vote of Thanks by Prof. Pavan Kumar K R , Asst. Prof. Dept .of EEE (IEEE Student Member). He thanked the dignitaries for gracing the occasion with their valuable presence. He extended her gratitude to IEEE PES Bangalore Chapter & Dr. Manohar Singh, Engg. Officer, CPRI for coordinating to arrange this program He also thanked Honorable management for their co-operation, all HoDs, Office Bearers of RRCE- Student Branch of the IEEE and all faculty and students.