News & Events

Kalasourabha 2021

Kalasourabha the Cultural Team of RajaRajeswari College of Engineering presents

For the first time its history, witness the most spectacular online event ever hosted!!

Join us all on the 8th, 9th and 10th of July!

Kalasourabha 2021 has officially launched and we all invite you to join the Microsoft team where you will be able to spectate, participate and get individual event schedules as well as be able to contact the concerned coordinators

Please use the line below to join the Kalasourabha 2021 Team

The event Kalasourabha-2021 was diligently organized. There was a soul to it. A soul that was
vibrant, contagious and exuberant.

With management’s permission, Team Kalasourabha decided to conduct Kalasourabha 2020-21 online and preparations were well planned. It all started with conducting interviews for selecting coordinators who had zeal and passion to be the organizers of this one of its kind online Fest. Many meeting were conducted with faculty and student coordinators to chart down the process of conducting the event. Finalizing the events list and forming the main coordinators consisting of 10 members who would lead the team was also formed. For each and every event 2 faculty coordinators
and 4 student coordinators were nominated. Committees were framed to decentralize the work and rules and regulations were discussed online over google meet and other online platforms. Banners and posters were made using few online posters making software’s and were published in whatsapp groups and in Microsoft teams to reach all students. Google forms were used to register students for various events. Sufficient time was provided for all students to decide and plan, so that any student can participate in more than 5 events. 2 categories were made namely live events and ongoing events to make sure that time and events did not clash while students participate in more than 2 events.

Wide publicity of the events was given by broadcasting committee. Overwhelm support from participants was seen through the registration process. More than 1000+ registration for various events was seen in a span of 15 days. Organizing committee requested principal and management to conduct inaugural function offline. Film actors Srujan Lokesh, Manu Basavaraj, Suman had sent their wishes through videos.

Broadcasting coordinators prepared YouTube link for the inaugural function and was live telecasted.
Link was shared to all participants, students, staffs and faculties to witness the event online.
YouTube link:

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