News & Events

Leadership Talk on How to Design and Convert an Idea into a Prototype Model

Resource Person : Mr.Sheethal,
Design and Prototyping Consultant,
Pongu Ventures (P) Ltd., Chennai.

Date : 12.9.2019

Time : 09.30 AM to 11.30 AM

Venue : Von Neumann Seminar Hall, II Floor, RRCE,

Number of Participants : 35

Outcome of the Program :
Mr.Sheethal, Design and Prototyping Consultant, Pongu Ventures delivered a leadership talk for the student team members about “How to Design and convert into a Prototype Model” in the Von Neuman Seminar Hall / ISE Seminar Hall on 12th September 2019 and in that they taught Students about the factors to be considered and market analysis to reduce cost and how to increase the sales and profit.
Preparation guidance for NEC Entrepreneurship Start up Summit (NECSES 2019) held between 20th September 2019 and 22nd September 2019. Dr. Vinoth G, CEO, Pongu Ventures and Mr. Sheethal, Prototype Consultant, Pongu Ventures have reviewed all below mentioned presentation for the NECSES summit. They also discussed in detail about the scorecard that will be used to judge the students presentation during the summit.
( 0 to 20%) – Strength of the Team, Mentor, Co founders, Advisors, etc
(0 to 10%) – Problem Statement
(0-to 20%) – Uniqueness of idea
(0 to 5%) – Real effort / Hard work put into this Project by the core team
(0–10%) – Technology feasibility
(0–5%) – Business viability or is this Product/Service Commercialization
(0-10%) – Industry collaboration
(0–10%) – Reasonable estimate for prototype or MVP development
Any investment for Prototype or MVP (0–5%)
How impressive is the overall pitch (0-5%)

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