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Leadership Talk on “Social Entrepreneurship & Life skills for GIGEconomy” – 2023

Date: 7th August 2023
Time: 10.00 A.M. – 12.00 P.M
Venue: APJ Abdulkalam Hall, RRCE
Instructor: Mr. R. Sathish Raj
CEO, E-Crusaders, Chennai
Total numbers of participants: 200
The session was intended to develop Life skills and provide awareness about Entrepreneurship to our
Electronics and Communication Engineering students. Developing business practices in students which
can generate positive and sustainable change in society.
The objective of this program was to learn
➢ What is Social Entrepreneurship?
➢ Details about Gig Economy
➢ Importance of Life skills in Business practices
Major Session Contents:
Mr. R. Sathish Raj inspired the ECE students by speaking about Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam and his dreams.
He gave a clear understanding how to take care ofsocial issues while setting up an entrepreneurial venture.
The session taught our students how to dream, what are the pillars of life.
The major points covered in the Technical Talk are the following :
• Goals and dreams
Align your goals and dreams in such a way that they focus on the 6 pillars, namely- mental health,
physical health, family, finance, spirituality or connection with god and social responsibility.
• Gratitude journal
Write a few things you’re grateful for each day.
He also mentioned a quote that I really liked- when your eyes are positive, you’ll love the world.
When your mouth is positive, the world will love you.
• A brainstorm journal to basically keep a track of/ make notes on the TED talks you’ll
listen to or the inspiring content you consume

• It’s similar to a brain dumb where whenever you’re stressed, you’ll write down all the
negative thoughts on your mind to clear them from your head.

He also mentioned something called RAA i.e., Read, Ask and Action which means that if you want
to do something, first read about it, then ask people who have similar experiences to the thing you
want to do and get their feedback and lastly act on it.
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