News & Events

National Level Symposium – Trigger 2K19

Date : 14th November 2019

Time : 09.30AM – 05.00 PM

Venue : CSE-Seminar Hall

Technical Event:
1. Block Coding
2. Technical Quiz
3. Web Design
4. Ideathon
Non- Technical Event:
1. Gaming:
• PubG
• Call of duty
2. Eat and Win
3. Triple Tango
4. Photography

Outcome of the Program :

The event started with the formal Inaugural function at 9.30a.m in Abdul Kalam Conference Hall. Mr.Afnan Shaikh, Chief Guest, Dr Balakrishna R, Principal RRCE, Prof GopalaKrishnan Nair, Rector RRCE, Dr Usha Saktivel, Research Dean/HoD CSE, Prof N.SwathiPriya, Association Co-ordinator and Student Vice Chairman Akshay were present on the dias. The function started with Invocation Song, followed by the welcome speech given by Sahana & Pooja of 3rd sem. Association report was given by Association Co-ordinator, followed by presidential address given by Principal and Rector. Vote of thanks given by the student Vice Chairman.

All technical and non-technical events conducted in 5th floor of CSE department in various rooms. Students from different colleges and from different departments of RRCE participated. We have total count of 221 students registered for different events. All events were completed by 3.30pm with the winners list. Lunch was provided for co-coordinators and faculties.

Valedictory function started at 3.30pm, Students from different colleges shared their experience about TRIGGER 2K19 followed by Prize Distribution for winner’s. We gave the cash prize for technical events and non-technical events. The function was finally ended by thanking management, Principal, HoD, Faculites, Non-teaching staff, our sponsors and all student coordinators who worked for this event to make this event a grand success.

Trigger 2019 Invitation

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