News & Events

National Youth Day – 2024

Date: 12/01/2024
Venue: MBA Class Room
Target: 2nd year MBA students
Number of Participant: 55
Program Outcome:

  • “ROLE OF YOUTH AS A RESPONSIBLE CITIZEN” participation of youth in growing ceremony economy is essential key to national development ,youth are the greatest power of the country therefore significant efforts must established to help empower them to competently and adequately contributes towards sustainable development of the nation.
  • Young Are With Full Of Ideas And Have Infinite Source Of Energy To Put Their Ideas Into Practice .They have strong opinions and do not fear voicing them, youths are ready to take risk, face challenges and try hard to achieve their goals.
  • To be a good citizen they (youth) must follow:-
    1. Having respect for others and their property.
    2. Having compassion and empathy for others.
    3. Taking responsibility for your own actions.
    4. Be a responsible votes.
    5. Obey the rules and be a role model.

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