News & Events

National Youth Day Celebrations – 2023

“National Youth Day 2023” Celebrations
Jointly organized by RRIIC & Youth Red Cross of RRCE
RajaRajeswari Institution Innovation Council (RRIIC) & Youth Red Cross(YRC) of RajaRajeswari College of Engineering are jointly organizing a Leadrship Talk on “Swami Vivekananda Vision – My Vision”
Topic: Leadrship Talk on “Swami Vivekananda Vision – My Vision”
Smt. Sneha Damle
Programme Co-ordinator – Disha Bharath
Karnataka State Unit

Date: 11-01-2023
Time: 2:00 PM To 4:00 PM
Venue: Dr A P J Abdul Kalam Conference Room, II Floor
Number of Students Participated: 272
Number of Faculty members Participated: 12
Organizing Committee:
Dr.R.Balakrishna, Principal
Dr. J. Amutharaj President-RRIIC & Vice Principal, RRCE
Dr.S.Usha, Vice President – RRIIC & Dean – Research
Dr.C.Ramesh, Convenor – RRIIC
Dr. Viswanath K C,
Co-ordinator – Youth Red Cross, RRCE, Associate Prfoessor, Mech. Engg.,
Prof. Ramesh S, NSS Co-ordiantor & Asst .Prof., Chemistry Dept.
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