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NSS Program – Awarness on Do’s ans Don’ts when using Social Media

RRCE NSS Unit Organized the – AWARNESS ON “DO’S ANS DON’TS WHEN USING SOCIAL MEDIA” PROGRAM at Rajarajeswari college of Engineering, Bengaluru, Karnataka on 13th November 2017 between 10.00 AM to 12.00 PM.

Objective of this program is to adeptly understand how to use social media positively optimizing student’s social presence also how to disconnect from negativity of social media and to encourage students to do have complete and active Social profiles on those networks that are best fit for their businesses, as this ensures the needed engagement

In this camp 315 college students were participated, NSS Programme Officer, NSS Members and 50 NSS Volunteers are actively participated and gained social media awareness.

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