News & Events

One week FDP on Thermal Power Engineering

Date : 22nd to 27th July 2019

Venue : RRCE Edusat Hall

Conveners : Dr. SreenivasaluReddy N, Assoc. Prof, Dept. Mech. Engg.
Dr. Vishwanath K C, Assoc. Prof, Dept. Mech. Engg.

Faculty Coordinators :
Dr. Satheesha V
Prof.Shivalingaiah K

Prof.Dhanajay B S
Prof.Madhusudhan M

Prof. Palaksha C P
Prof. Ravikiran H R

Outcome of the Program :

  • He has briefed about new VTU CBCS Syllabus of heat transfer.
  • Explained complex phenomenon involved in convection.
  • Explained Modes of energy transfer by giving examples.
  • Explained numerical heat transfer taking case studies on Finite Difference Method.
  • Explained basic discritization using Finite Difference Method for 2D problem.
  • Given solution for 1D, 2D Steady state heat conduction problems

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