News & Events

Faculty Development Programme on R Programming

Resource Person : Miss. Kamatchi Devi, IT Trainer – ICT Academy, Chennai

Date : 25th & 26th June 2018

Time : 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Venue : CSE Seminar Hall

Organizing Secretary : Dr.S.Usha, HOD of CSE

Topics Covered :

  • Why use R? History of R, How to Run R.
  • Simple manipulations numbers, vectors Objects modes and attributes
  • Arrays and matrices & Lists and data frames & Reading data from files and Database
  • Statistical models in R & Writing your own functions

Target Audience : To know about the Web developers who want to implement data analysis features in their webpage & Researchers who perform data analysis including graphs

Number of Audience : 35 Faculties

Course Overview :

During the last decade, the momentum coming from both academia and industry has lifted the R programming language to become the single most important tool for computational statistics, visualization and data science. Worldwide, millions of statisticians and data scientists use R to solve their most challenging problems in fields ranging from computational biology to quantitative marketing. R has become the most popular language for data science and an essential tool for Finance and analytics-driven companies such as Google, Facebook, and LinkedIn

Outcome of the Program :

The objectives are to provide the faculty with an understanding of R Programming Language and Statistics. The learning outcomes include being able to identify R is a programming language and environment commonly used in statistical computing, data analytics and scientific research.

It is one of the most popular languages used by statisticians, data analysts, researchers and marketers to retrieve, clean, analyze, visualize and present data.

Due to its expressive syntax and easy-to-use interface, it has grown in popularity in recent years..

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