News & Events

Report on 2days Hands-on workshop “NI LAB VIEW & APPLICATIONS”

With reference to the above subject, we would like to bring it to your kind notice that Electronics and Communication Engineering Department has organized 2 days Workshop for 4th Semester students on 21st & 22nd February, 2015.
This function was aimed at providing a common platform for the Students to explore the usage of Virtual Instrumentation and Design aspects using simulation with the help of NI LABVIEW.
Two days workshop was started as per the program schedule at 9.00am. on 21st Feb 2015. This auspicious occasion was graced by the resource person Prof. Umashankar, A P., Dept. of ECE, RLJIT Bangalore, Dr. L Swarna Jyothi, HOD Dept of E & C, Dr. P.V. Rao, Professor and R & D Head, Dr. M. Arunachalam, HOD Dept of E & EE, Dr. Razia Tazneem, HOD Dept of Chemistry, Faculty Members and Student Participants.
We thank the management and the Principal for their constant and continuous encouragement for providing valuable directions and support in time.

Event Coordinator
HOD/ECE – Dr.P. V Rao R & D Head
Organizing Committee-
1. Mr. B.B.S Kumar
2. Mrs. Sunitha.R
3. Mr. Harish.N.J
4. Mrs. Kavitha.Y.C

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