News & Events

Report on Student Interaction about AICTE Activity point

Date: 24/06/2024
Venu: Room No. 502,503,504
Activity Name: Student Interaction about AICTE Activity point
Staff Co-ordinator: Proof. Rashmi B R CSE Department
No Of Students Participated: 150


  • To expose students to real-time life challenges, to provide the opportunity to gather data, analyse data, propose solutions and implement solutions.
  • To educate the students about AICTE activity points
    The following mentioned titles are discussed by the addressed by the team which are:

  • Motivated students to learn extracurricular activities.
  • Encourage students to get involved in activities to gain points.

  • Students learnt the way to earn AICTE activity point
  • Students got a knowledge about various activities that brings required points.

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