News & Events

Robo Workshop 2K16

Event Duration : Two days 19th – 20th September 2016

Venue : Incubation Center ,RRCE, Bengaluru

Resource Person : Mr. Harish Dayalan is an Embedded Developer and also alumini of department of electronics & communication engineering, RRCE. He has good experience of doing different types of projects such as home automation, Robos etc

Workshop Objective :

The student will gain knowledge of designing using embedded hardware. The students will improve programming skills in Embedded C and gain knowledge in circuit connections and designing, testing and debugging. The student develops a capacity to programme any type of microcontroller and working of different sensors and the objective is to make a movable project.

Target Participants : UG students of all related Engineering fields are invited to participate.

Outcome of the workshop :

Students have learned programming in Embedded C and tried variations in each program excise.

The Sensors such as gas sensors ,PAIR ,Ultrasonic were used to do the experiments such as
contents of Carbon Monoxide in the environment, motion detection and distance estimated
using Ultrasonic Sensor.

The experiments included LED and LCD displays for different programs.

Uncontrolled Robo was built in the second session and tested for movement in different direction with variations in distance.

Self balanced obstacle Robo was built, tested and run successfully.

The students were actively involved and expressed their satisfaction about learning and organization of the workshop.

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